face to face onsite interpreter

Interpreting: the ultimate multi-tasking

With the constant exchange of content commercially, culturally and academically in today’s world, the localization industry plays a vital role in making this possible. While translation takes away the limelight in the industry, interpreting services are often mis-considered as an extension of translation. Here, we’ll try to understand the differences in a more magnified way.…

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Telephone Interpreting: Why language is no longer a barrier for communication

Why interpretation? As globalization and digital revolution opens up more countries, economies and individuals to the rest of the world, interpreting and related language services count vital for proper communication and understanding across the globe, clearing the roadblock of lingual diversity. Regardless of whether there’s a need to communicate with patients, business partners or clients,…

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What is software localisation?

Software localisation moves beyond basic translation to adjust a user interface on a cultural level. It isn’t just what you’re saying: it’s how you’re saying it. We currently live in the era of globalised commerce, and as such, the parameters of the market have shifted to include both competitors and potential customers from all corners…

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