thebigword signs Armed Forces Corporate Covenant to help support service leavers and reservists

thebigword – a global technology-enabled language solutions provider – has bolstered its commitment to supporting the armed forces community by signing the Armed Forces Corporate Covenant. The covenant is a voluntary pledge of support from businesses and charities to the armed forces community, and includes two key principles:

* No member of the armed forces community should face disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to any other citizen
* In some circumstances special treatment may be appropriate, especially for the injured or bereaved

The Corporate Covenant will form part of thebigword HR policies to ensure there are no barriers to veterans and service partners seeking employment.

thebigword will also assist the armed forces in developing skills and qualifications transferable to civilian employment, thereby enhancing the job prospects of service leavers and reservists. Larry Gould, CEO of thebigword, said: “We are – as a strategic partner to the Ministry of Defence and an employer of ex-military personnel and reservists – only too happy to sign up to the Armed Forces Corporate Covenant.

“Having made such a vital contribution to the nation’s security, the ex-military personnel and reservists thebigword employs bring a wealth of skill and expertise to our global workforce. No barrier, therefore, should stand in the way of service leavers and reservists seeking employment with civilian organisations. thebigword is committed to helping the MOD develop transferable courses and qualifications to enhancing the prospects of civilian employment.”

The Ministry of Defence recently appointed thebigword to deliver interpreting for its training of the Libyan military.

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