thebigword lands major contract with US Navy

The United States Navy’s engineering command, which is committed to the combat readiness of the world’s largest naval force, has awarded thebigword a contract with Naval Facilities Engineering Command Europe Africa Southwest Asia (NAVFAC EURAFSWA), headquartered in Naples, Italy. As a supporting command of the US Navy, NAVFAC manages facility project planning and design for…

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thebigword gets seal of approval on Information Security

Leeds-based language services firm thebigword is celebrating after its ISO 27001 certification was renewed this week. ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised certification attesting to an organisation’s ability to meet industry standards in securing information. It requires adherence to a set of standards for people, processes and IT systems within an organisation. Do not underestimate…

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Flexible working with good hourly rates

thebigword are looking for bi-lingual / multi-lingual individuals to fulfill Face to Face interpreting assignments in Kent, Surrey, Camden, Islington, Thames Valley and Hampshire. We need multilingual professional individuals with Interpreting experience. If you’re customer focused and dedicated to your work then we would love to hear from you. In order to apply for these…

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thebigword 团队携手 Google 帮助 SME 跨越语言障碍

语言服务提供商 thebigword 携手 Google,帮助中小型企业 (SME) 跨越语言障碍,为他们的产品和服务赢得新的国际客户。 搜索引擎巨头选择 thebigword 作为其全新工具 Market Finder 的本地化合作伙伴。 潜在的出口商可利用该服务快人一步地了解国际市场策略,只需简单三步让他们的业务走向全球。 Market Finder 帮助 SME 深入了解潜在客户如何利用互联网和可支配收入,推荐最佳市场,从而制定全球业务计划。 SME 选好新的目标市场之后,Market Finder 提供工具、指南和资源,帮助计划后续步骤,例如本地化、国际付款和物流等。 Market Finder 提供数据和客户洞察,帮助 SME 了解最佳广告语言和接触潜在客户的最佳方式,从而制定市场营销决策。 服务可全面覆盖 180 个市场,并利用来自 32 个数据源的深刻洞察。 以一个旅行元搜索引擎为例,它使用 Market Finder 指南和洞察对其网站进行本地化,用户可在一次搜索中比较飞机、火车和汽车旅行选择的价格和行程时间。 thebigword 创始人兼执行总裁 Larry Gould 说: “对很多中小型企业而来,第一次出口就像是拿下一个难缠的潜在客户。 但是有了 Google Market Finder,事情就会变得简单,即便是将产品和服务销往海外,也不再是神秘莫测的事情。 “英国自古以来就是一个伟大的贸易国家,这款工具将帮助新一代的英国出口商与世界各地的新客户紧密联系在一起。” “2016 年,我们的产品和服务出口值突破了 4000 亿美元,其中包括汽车、医药和燃气轮机,我们因此成为全球第 10 大出口经济体。” “外面遍地都是机会,对小企业来说更是如此。因此,我鼓励他们大胆走出国门,走向全球。” Google…

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