SMEs who want to export: Franglais won’t cut it, warns language solutions company


SMEs who want to export: Franglais won’t cut it, warns language solutions company

British SMEs who want to export their goods and services abroad need to learn how to speak to foreigners better.

As the Government kicks off National Export Week, Larry Gould, founder of one of the world’s largest language solution companies ‘thebigword’, warns British SMEs that they need to change their attitude in order to join the global market place.

According to Larry Gould, CEO of thebigword:

“Although we live on an island, British businesses need to stop being so insular. British businesses have hardly changed the way they deal internationally over the past 25 years despite the huge changes in technology, travel and societal attitudes. Not everyone speaks English.  An attempt at Franglais simply won’t cut it in 2015.”

British business owners who want to better communicate with others businesses around the world have at their disposal a range of tools. Tools such as Google Translate are easy to use, free, and help us understand what was previously indecipherable. Industry tools like thebigword TMS, a new Translation Management System which partners professional translators with technology, are making business translations quicker and more accurate. Documents translated with thebigword TMS contain fewer mistakes per thousand words than the industry standard whilst delivering projects four times faster.

Larry Gould, CEO of thebigword adds:

“Britain’s SMEs make some of the best products in the world. We just need to get better at telling the rest of the world about them. Businesses owners remember: you need to speak to customers on their terms, not on yours. It’s a case of less me, me, me and more vous, vous, vous.”

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