Local MP learns of regional and local commitment

Member of Parliament for Leeds West, Rachel Reeves has visited global language leader thebigword, to learn more about the ways in which the organisation is supporting regional and local development. Touring the organisations’ global head office she learned about some the work that thebigword dedicated Defence and International Management Division – the only one of…

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Chinese tops German as third most translated business language, says thebigword

thebigword – a global, technology-enabled language solution provider – has revealed that this year, Chinese has replaced German as 3rd in the list of languages businesses ask it to translate into. This shift reflects China’s growing influence as one of the most powerful economies in the world. But it also shows that businesses are beginning…

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Business Secretary Visits Global Hub of thebigword, Worldwide Translation and Interpreting Company

Business Secretary Vince Cable has visited global technology-enabled language solution provider, thebigword, at its Leeds HQ. Dr Cable’s visit to Leeds coincided with the latest campaign to promote Apprenticeships and the next phase of the Apprenticeship Standards. During his visit, he toured thebigword global hub which manages worldwide language projects from 13 offices in 12 countries,…

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Bernadette Byrne of thebigword – one of the illustrious speakers sharing their insights at IOE exporting seminar

‘- a global, technology-enabled language solution provider – will be one of a powerful panel of speakers sharing their insights at the Institute of Export (IOE) workshop at Gresham College, London, October 21. “£48bn in revenue lost due to bad language?” will see Bernadette offering her insights into Professor James Foreman-Peck’s recent calculation that UK…

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thebigword: Increase in World Communications Drives Demand for Linguists

The multinational interpreting and translation company, thebigword, plans to create up to 3,000 more jobs for linguists this year. The company’s expansion within the Interpreting industry is currently running at 20 per cent per month in the United States. It is in part driven by American businesses limiting the effects of the homeland recession by selling goods and…

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thebigword Releases Public Sector Technology, Delivering Multi-Million Pound Savings

The global interpreting and translation company, thebigword, has announced the launch of its groundbreaking public sector interpreting technology, expected to deliver multi-million pound savings to government departments. Developed in-house over the past two years, the LanguageDirector Interpreting Management System (LD IMS) will revolutionise the use of interpreters for a vast range of government services including: health,…

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Translation Quotes Now Available Within 200 Seconds from thebigword

Businesses needing fast, professional, cost-effective and accurate translation of their documents into other languages can now use an innovative Instant Online Translation Quote service that provides a quote within 200 seconds. Multinational translation and interpreting company, thebigword, has launched the service which is available in more than 230 languages, and provides ‘human’ translation with the backing of the…

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GTS Announces Multi-Million Dollar U.S Investment

New York, U.S.: 16 June 2011 – GTS Inc., the spin-off technology arm of global language services company, thebigword, has announced a major investment program for the U.S. GTS was initially established to provide technology solutions to thebigword, to improve the cost-effectiveness and quality of translation and interpreting services. Its developments, which include ‘over the…

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