GTS Announces Multi-Million Dollar U.S Investment

New York, U.S.: 16 June 2011 – GTS Inc., the spin-off technology arm of global language services company, thebigword, has announced a major investment program for the U.S. GTS was initially established to provide technology solutions to thebigword, to improve the cost-effectiveness and quality of translation and interpreting services. Its developments, which include ‘over the…

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Surge in Manufacturing Translation Drives thebigword's U.S. Growth

thebigword, the world top-20 translation and interpreting company, has announced 42 per cent growth in its U.S. operation, based on increased activity in the manufacturing and technology sectors. Recent contract wins underline a shift in demand for thebigword’s language services to large corporations following a period of sustained growth fuelled by public sector interpreting needs.…

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Expansion for thebigword Following Technology Translation Growth

One of the worlds largest translation and interpreting company, thebigword, has announced a 12-month expansion and investment program following strong growth in the Technology translation sector. The company, which provides language translation, face-to-face and telephone interpreting, and multilingual website support, will post a 40 per cent growth in Quarter One for its U.S. operation, compared…

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thebigword: Nationwide Interpreter Booking System Launched

A new linguist booking system that will provide on-demand national coverage of qualified interpreters has been launched with the backing of thebigword, the world top-20 language services company. Called ‘Word Pie™’, the system is relevant to all organisations that use linguists but is expected to be of particular interest to the UK’s beleaguered justice system…

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thebigword takes the complexity out of translation

thebigword, one of the world’s largest technology-enabled translation and interpreting companies, has developed an innovative online tool on their new website to make it easier for everyone to get started with their translation projects. Solution Designer, takes the user through a series of guided steps and quick questions to establish their translation project requirements. Solution…

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The all new!

If you haven’t visited us at for a while then you’re in for a surprise!  Our all-new customer-focused, clearly presents you with our bespoke and innovative language services, powered by technology, to more effectively support your communication needs. The new website has been updated to reflect who we are, what we do and the…

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thebigword launches OnDemand Translation solution

OnDemand Translation offers round-the-clock service for everyday translation requirements High quality translations delivered within two hours Translations handled by experienced linguists with language technology solutions at their fingertips Ideal solution for dynamic content, such as social media, blogs and internal comms thebigword – a global, technology-enabled language solution provider – has launched an innovative, rapid…

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thebigword launches the world’s most secure Translation Management System, thebigword TMS

h3. thebigword launches the world’s most secure Translation Management System, thebigword TMS thebigword TMS will also save linguists time with projects delivered much faster than industry standard thebigword, a technology-enabled language company, today announces the launch of a brand new Translation  Management System (TMS) which promises to deliver benefits to both businesses and linguists globally.…

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London Probation Trust: First in World to use New Foreign Language Technology

thebigword, the world top-20 interpreting and translation company, has added a new technology offering to support its work with the National Health Service, Probation Trusts across the UK, and the Ministry of Defence. With the highest proportion of foreign nationals in the UK, London Probation Trust has become the first in the world to use…

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thebigword 团队携手 Google 帮助 SME 跨越语言障碍

语言服务提供商 thebigword 携手 Google,帮助中小型企业 (SME) 跨越语言障碍,为他们的产品和服务赢得新的国际客户。 搜索引擎巨头选择 thebigword 作为其全新工具 Market Finder 的本地化合作伙伴。 潜在的出口商可利用该服务快人一步地了解国际市场策略,只需简单三步让他们的业务走向全球。 Market Finder 帮助 SME 深入了解潜在客户如何利用互联网和可支配收入,推荐最佳市场,从而制定全球业务计划。 SME 选好新的目标市场之后,Market Finder 提供工具、指南和资源,帮助计划后续步骤,例如本地化、国际付款和物流等。 Market Finder 提供数据和客户洞察,帮助 SME 了解最佳广告语言和接触潜在客户的最佳方式,从而制定市场营销决策。 服务可全面覆盖 180 个市场,并利用来自 32 个数据源的深刻洞察。 以一个旅行元搜索引擎为例,它使用 Market Finder 指南和洞察对其网站进行本地化,用户可在一次搜索中比较飞机、火车和汽车旅行选择的价格和行程时间。 thebigword 创始人兼执行总裁 Larry Gould 说: “对很多中小型企业而来,第一次出口就像是拿下一个难缠的潜在客户。 但是有了 Google Market Finder,事情就会变得简单,即便是将产品和服务销往海外,也不再是神秘莫测的事情。 “英国自古以来就是一个伟大的贸易国家,这款工具将帮助新一代的英国出口商与世界各地的新客户紧密联系在一起。” “2016 年,我们的产品和服务出口值突破了 4000 亿美元,其中包括汽车、医药和燃气轮机,我们因此成为全球第 10 大出口经济体。” “外面遍地都是机会,对小企业来说更是如此。因此,我鼓励他们大胆走出国门,走向全球。” Google…

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