Global language service provider, thebigword, is delighted to be launching a brand new movement called ‘thebigleaders’.
thebigleaders is a community of language leaders, joining forces at a series of events and forums held at different locations across the globe, to engage, inspire and drive innovation in the localisation industry. This committee of professionals will have the opportunity to discuss key localisation challenges, case studies and best practice.
As a global company with a large variety of both Enterprise and Regulated clients across the world, thebigword will facilitate peer to peer discussion and encourage a community collaboration across worldwide industry experts.
The first event will be held in Estoril, Portugal on 10th June 2019 ahead of LocWorld 40, and will include a panel of speakers with questions on a specific, language industry related topic, table exercises and group discussions.
With a number of international attendees already signed up, thebigleaders are an active community of language leaders who are keen to develop stronger relationships across the localisation industry to establish best practice, share insight and drive innovation.
With a stellar panel of industry experts lined up, including well-known global brands such as 888 and DHL, this exciting roundtable event will be the start of an informative, engaging series of ‘thebigleaders’.
Commenting on the brand new movement, Garry Levitt, Chief Revenue Officer, said: “We are delighted to be putting this initiative into action, to drive innovation and collaboration across the globe.
“Working closely with clients and industry leaders is important to us at thebigword, as we continue to expand our global presence. We want to give the opportunity to discuss challenges, trends and best practice within the localisation industry.”
thebigword looks forward to collaborating, networking and sharing insightful knowledge with this growing global community.